Monday, October 26, 2009

a SUPER day at St. Mary's

The second lab at St. Mary's was superhero day. It was easy to tell that the students were interested with all the Cortland students walking around in their superhero gear. The St. Mary's children began to call us by our superhero name and this added another fun element to interacting with them. The weather was great for October so we got to play outside which put the students in a good mood. They could choose the playground or to play kickball. Most of the kids picked kickball and we began to play after they picked teams. It was fun to see how they took charge and told us what to do even though we are so much older. It was funny when Pat made a mistake and the team get on his case until he redeemed himself later in the game. When we went back inside it was time to play our superhero game of tag we had planned for the students. We made sure to vary the way they moved around the floor and keep as many people as we could participating and having fun. The music helped keep the energy levels up and the students interested. Later in the day a girl waned to play duck duck goose. We could only gather about 4 people including ourselves to play at the start but as we started to have fun things changed fast. Within a few minutes of us playing we had people joining the game non-stop. This was fun to use different words and ways to chase around the circle with the students. The day ended with a fun song and dance and now the planning for next week begins.

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